Happy Birthday: Pumpkin Mocha Mousse Cake!

Last year for my birthday, I wanted to make a sponge cake of some sort. I ended up making a monstrous spongy blob of creme and berries. Basically it failed. This year I decided to make a pumpkin mousse cake after being inspired by eating a mousse cake my friend got for  her birthday a week before.
It says "Happy Birth!" My friends came over to decorate it with me. The "H" in "Happy" was melting so it kind of folding into itself by the time they could put it on the cake. I think it looks beautiful though! :D This cake seemed to be a success. There were some people who asked for seconds. (:

I need to definitely work on taking better pictures. My parents recently bought a new camera, but I haven't quite figured out how to use it yet.

Overall my 22nd birthday was great. :D
